Documentary following Muriel Fisher and her continued attachment to the Gaelic language and culture despite living in Arizona, USA, for 30 years.
D猫 n矛 thu le do ch脿nan is do chultar nuair a ghluaiseas tu gu d霉thaich eile? Tha Muriel Fisher air a bhith ann an Tucson, Arizona o chionn 30 bliadhna, ach cha do dh矛ochuimhnich i na daoine bhon t脿inig i no an c脿nan a thug iad dhi. Gu dearbh tha i air muinntir Tucson (agus nas fhaide air falbh) a bhrosnachadh gus G脿idhlig ionnsachadh. Choisinn i duais bho Chomann C脿nanachais Ameireagaidh am-bliadhna airson an obair Gh脿idhlig a tha i air a bhith a' d猫anamh anns a' choimhearsnachd.
Bidh Muriel a' tilleadh dhan Eilean Sgitheanach a h-uile bliadhna a' tadhal air Gleann Dail an t-脿ite far an d' rugadh is a thogadh i. Cuideachd, bidh i a' teagaisg chlasaichean samhraidh aig Sabhal M貌r Ostaig agus a' cuideachadh Oilthigh Arizona le na rannsachaidhean G脿idhlig aca.
Ann an Eadar 脌irigh is Arizona coinnichidh sinn ri iomadach neach inntinneach, agus ch矛 sinn an t-eadar-dhealchadh m貌r a tha eadar Tucson tioram agus Gleann Dail ce貌thach. Tuigidh sinn an spiorad agus an n脿dar iongantach a ch霉m G脿idhlig ri Muriel.
What do you do with your language and your culture when you move to another country? Muriel Fisher has been in Tucson, Arizona, for 30 years, but she has not forgotten her people or the language they gave her. Indeed, she has motivated the people of Tucson (and further afield) to learn Gaelic and was awarded the Linguistics Society of America Prize for her community language work.
Muriel returns to Skye every year to visit Glendale, the place where she was born and brought up. She also teaches Gaelic at Sabhal M貌r Ostaig's summer school programme and assists the University of Arizona with their Gaelic research.
We meet many interesting people through Muriel of Skye, and we also become aware of the great difference between arid Tucson and mist-covered Glendale. We gain an understanding of the spirit and character which has kept Muriel linked to her Gaelic roots.
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"F脿saidh tu sg矛th dhen t-s矛de seo鈥
Duration: 01:32
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