D貌taman bho 1989 le Donnie is Rhoda le sr貌inean mar chuspair. A look back into the Dotaman archives from 1989 with Donnie and Rhoda, exploring the topic of noses.
Pr貌gram D貌taman as an tasglann bho 1989 air a' chuspair sr貌inean ann an cuideachd sp貌rsail Dhonnie is Rhoda. Tha ce貌l, 貌ran, sgeulachd is cleasachd gu le貌r ri fhaotainn. Feuch gun coimhead sibh airson na caraidean Cagnaidh is Crotal, agus gum bi sibh deiseal airson Nelson is Napoleon aig a' ghleoc!
A treat from the Dotaman archives. Recorded in 1989, this edition of Dotaman explores the topic of noses in the fun, creative and colourful company of Donnie and Rhoda. Look out for furry friends Cagnaidh and Crotal and be prepared to count along with Nelson and Napoleon at the Dotaman clock!
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