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Calum MacDonald presents 2015's sporting highlights. Including a look at the Jersey Island Games, the Athletics World Championships in Beijing, shinty, rugby, tennis and football.
Calum D貌mhnallach leis an taghadh as fh猫arr bho shaoghal Sp貌rs 2015. Bithear a' coimhead air ais air Geamannan nan Eilean ann an Jersey, farpais L霉th-chleasachd na Cruinne a thachair ann am Beijing, camanachd, rugbaidh, teanas, ball-coise agus gu le貌r sp貌rs eile a thachair tron bhliadhna
Calum MacDonald presents 2015's sporting highlights. Including a look back at the Jersey Island Games, the Athletics World Championships in Beijing, shinty, rugby, tennis, football and other sporting highlights from the year.
Last on
Sat 2 Jan 2016
- Boxing Day 2015 20:00
- Sat 2 Jan 2016 19:20