Episode 6
Cothrom coimhead air ais air cuid dhen 貌igridh leis an do shoirbhich aig M貌d an 脪bain. Cathy MacDonald presents some of the performers from the 2015 Children's Mod in Oban.
Cothrom coimhead air ais c貌mhla ri Cathy NicDh貌mhnaill air cuid dhen 貌igridh leis an do shoirbhich aig M貌d na Cloinne anns an 脪ban as t-fhoghar, ged a bha e na bu choltaiche ri samhradh! Agus gu dearbh bha ghrian a' dearrsadh air na farpaisich 貌ga bho Dhisathuirne aig farpuisean nan ionnstramaidean ci霉il gu Diciadain nuair a chriochnaich na farpaisean b脿rdachd. Ch矛 sibh taghadh dhen luchd-buannachd bho gach latha, nam measg na seinneadairean a bhuannaich na pr矛omh dhuaisean airson luchd-ionnsachaidh, Buinn Airgid Cuimhneachain Sheumais Mhic a' Ph矛, agus an nighean 's an gille a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a' Chomuinn Gh脿idhealaich - Emily NicDhonnchaidh agus Ruairidh Gray.
Cathy MacDonald offers another opportunity to enjoy some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod held in Oban in autumn 2015. The premier Gaelic music and language festival got off to a great start, not just with the weather, but also with the impressive children's competitions.
Saturday was the first day of the Mod, with youngsters playing musical instruments. On Monday, the singing competitions began with young learners taking part, while the following day's competitions were aimed at native speakers.
This programme features a selection of winners from all three days, including the winners of the James C MacPhee medals and also the young girl and boy who won the Comunn G脿idhealach Silver Medals - Emily Robertson and Ruairidh Gray.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Cathy MacDonald |
- Christmas Eve 2015 19:30
- Sun 27 Dec 2015 17:00
- Sat 2 Apr 2016 13:00