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Episode 1

Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween present the best of the action from the first day of the Scottish National Sheepdog Trials at Conon Bridge.

Sreath ùr de dh'Fharpaisean Chon-Chaorach air a lìbhrigeadh le Dòmhnall MacSuain agus Catriona Nic a' Phì. A' chuid as fheàrr de na thachair air a' chiad latha de dh'fharpais Nàiseanta na h-Alba ann an Drochaid Sguideil. Aig a' phosta, Mìcheil Shearer agus Roy, a bhuinnig Farpais an t-Saoghail an 2015. Tha e a' togail scòr glè mhath, ach am bi sin gu leòr airson a chumail air thoiseach air a h-uile duine eile?

A bharrachd air na tha a' tachairt air an raon anns an fharpais, tha sgioba FCC a' toirt sùil air na tha cuid de na farpaisich a' dèanamh len toil fhèin ma tha ùine aca........ a' seinn! Tha sinn a' còmhradh ri Còisir nan Tuathanach agus Mnàthan nan Tuathanach a bhios a' seinn aig an Fhèill Rìoghail Ghàidhealach.

Agus fhathast air ghleus, bidh sinn a' còmhradh ri Kieran MacGillp à Èirinn, a bha anns a' chuairt dheireannach de dh'fharpais seinn Guth na h-Èireann mu na thachair agus e anns an fharpais sin air beulaibh sluaigh mòr.

A new series of Farpaisean Chon-Chaorach, presented by Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween.

Programme no 1 comes from the first day of the Scottish national competition at Conon Bridge. Competing in an idyllic but somewhat windy setting was the best of Scottish talent, with the first at the post 2015 world champion Michael Shearer and Roy.

As well as the action on the field, our FCC team take a look at what some handlers do in their spare time... sing! We speak to the Farmers' Wives Choir and Farmers' Choir, who perform at the Royal Highland Show.

Still on a high note, we speak to handler and the Voice of Ireland singing competition finalist Kieran McKillop about his time on the popular entertainment show, performing in front of a large audience.

59 minutes

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Role Contributor
Presenter Catriona MacPhee
Presenter Donald MacSween
