Episode 6
Last in a six-part series following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. A year on, Sweeny looks at how things have gone. Is he any nearer his dream?
Tha turas Sweeny, cr貌itear 脿 Le貌dhas a bu mhiann a bhith ri croitearachd l脿n 霉ine a' tighinn gu cr矛och. As d猫idh bliadhna tha Sweeny a' coimhead air ais air mar a chaidh c霉isean. Bheil e idir nas fhaisg air an amas aige? D猫 a bha soirbheachail agus d猫 nach deach buileach cho math? D猫 a dh' atharraicheadh e a' coimhead air ais, agus d猫 a tha a-nise roimhe san 脿m ri teachd?
The journey of Lewis crofter Sweeny and his plans to make a go of crofting full-time comes to an end. A year on, Sweeny looks back at how things have gone. Is he any nearer his dream? What have been the successes and what failures have there been? What would he do differently now looking back, and what does the future now hold?
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鈥淎n d鈥 thuirt mi gu robh mi faighinn c貌rr air 300 cearc?鈥
Duration: 01:48
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