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Inveraray Castle

Documentary series looking at the workings of country estates. This episode follows the Duke and Duchess of Argyll as they run their home, Inveraray Castle.

Seallaidh Oighreachdan na h-Alba gu dl霉th ri oighreachdan tro sh霉ilean an fheadhainn leis a bheil iad, na gillean, na g脿irnealairean agus mnathan-taighe a bharrachd air na h-aoidhean a bhios a' p脿igheadh airson fuireach air na h-oighreachdan m貌ra seo. N矛 an t-sreath seo aithris air obair na h-oighreachd agus na duilgheadasan a tha an cois rianachd iomairt dha leithid. 'S e Caisteal Inbhir Aora an dachaidh aig Torcail Caimbeul, treas Di霉c Deug Earra-Gh脿idheal, agus a bhean Eleanor a bhuineas dhan teaghlach Cadbury.

Tha an caisteal, a bhuineas dhan ochdamh linn deug agus a th' ann an cruth ailtireach ris an canar neo-Gothic le t霉raichean cruinn, suidhichte air bruaichean Loch F矛ne. Tha iomadh aoigh ainmeil air tadhal air a' chaisteal tro na bliadhnaichean, nam measg M脿iri, Banrigh na h-Alba, a' Bhanrigh Bhictoria, agus na luchd-ci霉il Lerner is Lowe, a sgr矛obh My Fair Lady. Leanaibh an Di霉c 's a' Bhana-dhi霉c 's iad a' ruith f矛or Downton Abbey.

Great Estates takes an in-depth look at the workings of four country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the ghillies, the gardeners and the housekeepers, not forgetting the paying guests who frequent these great estates. The series documents the inner workings of an estate and the complexities of managing such an operation.

Inveraray Castle is the home of Torquhil Campbell, the 13th Duke of Argyll, and his Cadbury dynasty wife Eleanor. The 18th-century neo-Gothic vision complete with conical towers sits on the shore of Loch Fyne. The castle has boasted an illustrious catalogue of guests down the years, including Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Victoria and American musical impresarios Lerner and Loewe, who wrote My Fair Lady. Follow the duke and duchess as they go about their daily business running the 'real Downton Abbey'.

56 minutes
