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Na peathraichean Kerry is Kirsty Nic a'Phì air baidhseaglan air seach-rathaidean Leòdhais. Sisters Kerry and Kirsty MacPhee cycle the tracks and trails of Lewis.

Tha na peathraichean Kerry is Kirsty Nic a'Phì air chuairt baidhseagal-beinne tro na h-Eileanan an Iar. Chan eil cus eòlais aca air siubhal le baidhseagal-beinne 'sna h-eileanan dham buin iad.

Anns a'phrògram mu dheireadh tha na h-igheanan ann an Leòdhas. Tha iad a' tòiseachdainn aig astar air bòrd bàta tro chaolas an Sgarp - ach aon uair 's gu bheil iad air ais air na baidhseaglan, 'se gaoth is deàrrsach a tha romhpa ann an sgìre Ùige. Suas an taobh an iar, agus tha na dìridhean fada a'sàrachadh casan a bha sgìth mar tha.

Tha iad a'dèanamh sogan ri gathan grèine aig Clachan Chalanais, agus ris a'chafé. Se dithis nas beothaile a tha gabhail tarsainn monadh Bharabhais chun an taobh an ear.

Chan fhada gus am bi iad a'tilleadh - tha boglaichean an taobh an ear ro gharbh is ro fhliuch. Ach dè'n diofar - air ais dhan iar agus an uairsin gu an ceann-uidhe mu thuath, taigh-solais Rubha Robhanais.

Sisters Kerry and Kirsty MacPhee embark on a mountain bike trip through the Western Isles. Despite hailing from the islands, the girls know little about mountain biking there.

In the final programme, the girls are in Lewis. Starting at high speed, they take a rib through the sound of Scarp before battling gales and rain as they cycle through the hills of the Uig peninsula.

They carry on up the west coast, where the long ascents begin to take their toll on already tired legs. Sunshine greets them at the Callanish stones, and they stop for some sustenance. Their strength restored, they carry on through Lewis, crossing the Barvas Moor to the east coast. Flooded bogs and rough terrain stop them in their tracks, and the girls have to retrace their route back to the west coast before reaching their final destination, the lighthouse at the Butt of Ness.

29 minutes

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