Rosslyn Estate
Documentary series taking an in-depth look at the workings of country estates. Lady Helen Rosslyn guides viewers around the legends of Rosslyn Estate.
Seallaidh Oighreachdan na h-Alba gu dl霉th ri ceithir oighreachdan tro sh霉ilean an fheadhainn leis a bheil iad, na gillean, na g脿irnealairean agus mnathan-taighe. N矛 an t-sreath seo aithris air obair na h-oighreachd agus na duilgheadasan a tha an cois rianachd iomairt dha leithid.
'S ann air Oighreachd Ros L矛n a tha Caibeal Ros L矛n, aon de na l脿raich anns an leabhar ainmeil aig Ron Howard The Da Vinci Code.
Bidh a' Bhan-thighearna Helen Rosslyn a tha na e貌laiche eachdraidh ealain gar tre貌rachadh 's sinn a' coimhead ri sgeulachdan co-cheangailte ris an caibeal beag seo faisg air D霉n 脠ideann.
A-r猫ir uirsgeul 's ann an Ros L矛n a tha an Cuach Naomh. 'S ann an-seo a tha claigeann E貌in Baiste, no uaigh Mhuire Mhagdalen agus their cuid gur e cladh nan Ridirean Teampallach a th' ann.
Cuide ri Helen agus cuid de e貌laichean ainmeil Ros L矛n, seallaidh sinn ri na h-uirsgeulan a' sireadh freagairtean.
Great Estates takes an in-depth look at the workings of four country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the ghillies, the gardeners and the housekeepers, not forgetting the paying guests who frequent these great estates. The series documents the inner workings of an estate and the complexities of managing such an operation.
Rosslyn Estate is the home of Rosslyn Chapel, location for Ron Howard's blockbuster The Da Vinci Code. Art historian and owner Lady Helen Rosslyn is our guide as we examine the legends that surround this small chapel on the outskirts of Edinburgh.
Legend says that Rosslyn is the home of the Holy Grail, that it contains the skull of John the Baptist, or that it is the final resting place of Mary Magdalene, and some say it's the resting place for the Knights Templar. With Lady Helen and some of the world's foremost Rosslyn experts. we will dig deep into the legends.
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