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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 5

'S e là a' bhòt a th' ann aig an Urras ach chan eil cùisean a' dol mar a bhithear an dùil. It's the day of the big vote at the Trust, but things don't go as planned.

'S e là a' bhòt a th' ann aig Urras Chamuis ach tha coigreach a' nochdadh 's a' tarraing buaireadh - ann an iomadach seadh. Le dà shùil dhubh agus sgailc mun pheircill, tha dùil aig Iain gu bheil e air a h-uile rud a mhilleadh le Ciorstaidh. Tha taghadh aig Cailean ri dhèanamh mu dè ni e leis an fhiosrachaidh ùir aige fhad 's a tha Fionnlagh fhèin a' strì le chogais agus e a' call smachd air an t-suidheachadh-airgid aca.

It's the day of the big vote at the Trust, but a surprise arrival stirs up some trouble - in more ways than one. With two black eyes and a slap in the face, Iain is worried that he's ruined everything with Ciorstaidh.
Cailean has a moral decision to make with his new information, while Finlay also struggles with his conscience as his financial situation spirals out of control.

35 minutes

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