Na Chieftains, an Darna Ceum
Mary Ann Kennedy with music from Celtic Connections 2016. This episode features the Chieftains, who popularised traditional music around the world.
Chan eil cur-as-aithne sam bith a dhith air Na Chieftains. Tha an c貌mhlan innleachdach seo air cruth-atharrachaidh a thoirt air ce貌l agus air puirt 霉r is eachdraidheil a thoirt gu luchd-猫isteachd air feadh an t-saoghail. Bha f猫ill mh貌r air Chieftains nuair a nochd iad air 脿rd-霉ralr Talla-Cuirme R矛oghail Ghlaschu aig toiseach f猫is Cheltic Connections.
Air 100mh ceann-bliadhna do dh'ar-a-mach na C脿isge, tha Cuirm@Celtic: Na Chieftains, an D脿rna Ceum a' comharrachadh linn do che貌l na h-脠ireann c貌mhla ri cuid de na rionnagan ci霉il 脠ireannach 脿s aithnichte a th' ann, agus cuid a dh'aoighean air leth s貌nraichte. Bidh caraidean-ci霉il nan cuideachd air 脿rd-霉rlar na f猫ise - nam measg bidh fear-ci霉il cho iomraiteach 's a th' ann, Kris
Kristofferson. Ged a tha Na Chieftains aithnichte airson a bhith a' sgaoileadh ce貌l traidiseanta gu 猫isteachd fad agus farsaing, tha iad a' cheart cho ainmeil airson a bhith a' co-obrachadh c貌mhla ri luchd-ci霉il eile. 'S e an c脿irdeas ci霉il seo a tha f脿gail cuirmean m貌r dhe leithid cho tarraingeach agus cho pr矛seil.
The Chieftains revolutionised music and have taken old and new tunes to stages all over the world. They received a rapturous welcome when they appeared onstage in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall near the start of the Celtic Connections festival.
On the centenary of the Easter Rising, Cuirm@Celtic: Na Chieftains, an D脿rna Ceum celebrates a brilliant era of Irish music with some of Irish music's brightest stars alongside some special guests. Widely recognised for having popularised traditional music with audiences around the world, the band is renowned for their collaborations with other musicians. These musical unions make large concerts like this both popular and valued.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mary Ann Kennedy |
Music Group | The Chieftains |
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