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An Cràdh/Endo What?

Episode 2 of 18

Documentary looking at endometriosis, a condition in which tissue behaving like the lining of the womb is found outside it, and which can seriously affect a woman's life.

Tha Endometriosis na staid a tha a' toirt buaidh air 1.5 millean no 10% de bhoireannaich ann am Breatainn. 'S e a th'ann ach nuair a tha stuth a tha a' tighinn a-mach à boireannaich gach mìos a' tòiseachadh a' fàs ann an àitichean eile. Na lùib dh'fhaodadh pian uabhasach, trom-inntinn, agus duilgheadasan fàs trom nochdadh. Dha na boireannaich a tha bèo leis, tha e ciallachadh strì agus
iomadh dùbhlan gach là.

Tha Curstaidh NicDhòmhnaill air a bhith a' fulang le pian uabhasach gach mìos bhon a bha i na deugaire. Ach cha deach dèanadh a-mach gur e endometriosis a bh' oirre gus an robh i 30. Ann an 2015 aig 36 co-dhùin Curstaidh ceum bunasach a ghabhail. Ged nach robh cinnt idir gun tigeadh piseach air cùisean, chaidh innse dhith gun robh cothrom de 60% gun cuireadh e às dha na bha i
a' fulang. Anns an Fhaoilleach chaidh i fon lannsa agus fhuair i hysterectomy agus lean sinn i air a turas.

Coinnichidh sinn cuideachd ri boireannaich eile a tha a' strì le Endometriosis, nam measg cuid a tha a' coinneachadh airson taic a thoirt dha càch a chèile agus aire a thogail dha Endometriosis.

An Cràdh - film mothachail dlùth mun staid fhalaichte seo.

Endometriosis is a debilitating condition which affects 1.5 million in the UK. It's a condition in which tissue behaving like the lining of the womb is found outside it, and it can cause heavy or painful periods, acute pain, and depression and fertility problems. For those women who live with it, it ican be a struggle which affects all parts of their lives.

Kirsty MacDonald from Edinburgh has suffered severe monthly stomach cramps since her teens, but she wasn't finally diagnosed with endometriosis until she was 30. In 2015, at 36, Kirsty decided to take a radical step which came with no guarantees but which offered her a 60% chance of ending her symptoms. In January she underwent a hysterectomy, and we followed her journey.

32-year-old Shona MacLellan from South Uist has taken a holistic approach to coping with pelvic pain and fatigue. She does yoga and is careful with her diet.

We also meet other women who have been affected by endometriosis and follow some of them as they meet up to support each other, and collectively seek to raise awareness to the condition.

1 hour