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Episode 2

Heather Dewar explores some of the most remote and picturesque villages along Scotland's coast. She explores Applecross in Wester Ross and sees the burial place of Maol Rubha.

Ann am "Bailtean Fraoich" tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a Ìle a' tadhal air feadhainn dhe na bailtean cladaich is iomallaiche agus is bòidhche. A' siubhal tro bhailtean air tìr-mòr, coimhearsnachdan eileanach, agus rubhaichean farsainn, tha i tuigsinn nach leig thu leas fuireach air eilean airson a bhi cleachde ri beatha eileanaich.

Ann a sheo anns an dara prògram dhen t-sreath, tha i a'cur eòlas air a'Chomraich, air taobh siar Rois. Feumaidh i rathad cas lùbach a ghabhail thuige, thairis air Bealach nam Bà. Tha Donnchadh MacCalmain, a b'àbhaist a bhi ag obair air na rothaidean, ag innse dhi cho doirbh sa bha e a chumail fosgailte tron gheamhradh. Aig eaglais bhrèagha a'Chlachain tha i a'coinneachadh ri
Gòrdan Camshron, a tha a'glèidheadh an taigh-tasgaidh. Tha e a'sealltainn dhi uaigh Mhaoil Ruibhe, an naomh a'stèidhich manachainn anns a'Chomraich.

Islay-born Heather Dewar visits some of Scotland's most picturesque and remote coastal communities. Travelling through mainland villages, Hebridean communities and vast peninsulas she realises that you don't need to live on an island to experience the life of an islander.

In the second programme in the series, Heather explores Applecross in Wester Ross. To get there she drives along the steep and winding road that climbs the famous Bealach na Bà. Former road worker Duncan Murchison tells Heather about the challenges of keeping the road open during the winter months.

At the beautiful Clachan church, Heather meets museum curator Gordon Cameron. He shows Heather the burial place of Maol Rubha, the saint who established a monastery in Applecross.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Heather Dewar
