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An Turas Chun Ear: Manus 's Daibhidh

Episode 1 of 21

Documentary telling the story of the cycling adventure of two friends in some of the most remote, hostile and unforgiving terrain in Asia.

Tha sgìre Tibet ann an Sìona na cheàrnaidh air nach eile mòran a' faighinn cothrom tadhal - sgìre iomallach de bhòidhchead iongantach, ach a tha dha-rìribh dùbhlanach siubhal troimhpe. Ach as dèidh mìosan a' planadh b' e sin an dearbh rud a rinn an rothaiche Albannaich, Manus Greumach. Bho bheatha thrang bàiltean mòra Shìona, gu sgìrean iomallach Tibet nach fhaic mòran, gu na dùbhlain ann a bhith a' siubhail le rothadair a tha loma làn air ròidean beinne corrach, cunnartach a tha sleamhainn le deigh - b' e seo an turas baidhseagail a bu dorra a th' air a bhith aige chun na h-ìre seo.

Aig a' cheart àm bha a charaid Daibhidh Màrtainn air turas rothaireachd gu deas bho faisg air crìoch Vietnam suas tro Laos, 's e ag amas air coinneachadh ri Manus sa cheann a Tuath agus iad am beachd siubhal tro dhlùth-choilltean iomallach na dùthcha. Le teas bhrùideil ge-tà bha dùbhlan duilich aig Daibhidh fhèin mus do choinnich an dithis aca.

Turas Chun Ear : Manus agus Daibhidh - sgeulachd dhàna mu thuras rothaireachd dhithis charaid ann an sgìre iomallach, falaichte - cruth-thìrean sònraichte,coibhneas dhaoine, agus cuairt a bha dùbhlanach ach àraid aig a' cheann thall.

The Tibetan region of China is an area few are able to experience - a remote area of extraordinary beauty but challenging to travel to and through. Yet after a lot of careful planning that's exactly what Scottish cyclist Magnus Graham did. From the contrast of the busy urban China life to the remote rural mountain life so rarely seen, to the challenges of cycling a laden bike on snowbound and icy mountain roads at almost 5000m, it proved to be Magnus's most challenging cycle to date.

Meanwhile, further south, his friend Daibhidh Martin cycled from near the Vietnam border and came up through Laos to eventually meet Magnus in the north of the country, where they planned to travel together through remote jungle areas. With temperatures up to 40 degrees, Daibhidh had his own challenges to overcome before the two of them met up.

This is the intrepid story of the cycling adventure of two friends in a remote and unchartered area -
stunning landscapes, human kindness and a challenging but ultimately amazing experience.

1 hour

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