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Bhon a thachair Brexit, thadhal Alasdair Friseal ann a Gibraltar, far an do bhòt cha mhor a h-uile duine airson fuireach san EU - ach de nisd a tha air thoiseach dhaibh?

Bhon a thachair Brexit, thadhal Alasdair Friseal ann a Gibraltar, far an do bhòt cha mhor a h-uile duine airson fuireach san EU - ach de nisd a tha air thoiseach dhaibh? Cuideachd, tha Darren Linc ag aithris air plana Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Named Person, a tha tabhainn taic do chlann agus deugairean fo aois 18.

In the wake of the Brexit vote, Alasdair Fraser reports from Gibraltar, which almost unanimously voted to remain in the EU. But what now lies ahead for the British Overseas Territory? Also Darren Laing is in Scotland where the government plans to assign a named person to all children and young people under the age of 18.

29 minutes

Sgeama an Neach Ainmichte

Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson ’s gum bi neach ainmichte aig a h-uile duine cloinne san dùthaich. ‘S e tidsear neo oifigear slàinte a bhiodh ann mar is trice, is iad ann airson taic a thoirt do phàrantan is clann ma tha iad ag iarraidh comhairle no stiùireadh gu seirbheisean a tha dhìth orra. Bhiodh iad cuideachd ann airson gnothach a thogail le ùghdarrasan ma tha dragh orra mu dhuine cloinne. Tha an Riaghaltas ag ràdh gu bheil an sgeama ag amas air a dhèanamh nas fhasa do phàrantan is clann, seirbheisean a lorg gus nach fàs trioblaid no duilgheadas a th’ aca nas miosa. Tha an sgeama ge-tà air càineadh fhaighinn bho luchd-poilitigs agus bho chuid sa choimhearsnachd agus eagal orra gum biodh e a’ ciallachadh an stàit a’ dol an sàs cus ann an gnothaichean an teaghlaich. Gu dearbha, tha am Prìomh Chùirt air breithneachadh na aghaidh, ag ràdh gu bheil cothrom ann fon sgeama gun d’ rachadh fiosrachadh mu theaghlaichean a sgaoileadh eadar diofar bhuidhnean, a’ bristeadh còir airson prìobhaideach agus beatha teaghlaich. Bha an sgeama gu bhith ga chur an sàs air 31mh den Lùnastal am-bliadhna, ach tha sin a-nis air a chur dheth, agus an Riaghaltas a’ dèanamh na h-atharraichean a chaidh iarraidh. Tha Darren Linc air a bhith bruidhinn ris an dà thaobh dhen deasbad.

Named Person Scheme

The Scottish Government want to allocate each child in Scotland a ‘named person’. This would normally be a teacher or health worker, with a brief to act as a point of contact for children and families to seek advice, and also a point of contact for relevant services who have concerns about a child’s wellbeing. The Government say the scheme aims to make it easier for families and children to access services and to prevent needs from escalating. However, the scheme has attracted criticism in Parliament and in civic society, with opponents concerned that it could lead to unnecessary intrusion into family life. Indeed, the Supreme Court recently ruled against the scheme, saying that aspects of it could lead to data being shared between different agencies, leading to a breach of the right to privacy and a family life. The proposed August 31st 2016 implementation of the scheme has now been delayed for a year, while the Government makes the changes required. Darren Laing has spoken to both sides of the named person’s debate.


Role Contributor
Reporter Alasdair Fraser
Reporter Darren Laing


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