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Episode 7

Seven-part observational documentary series following the stories of people on the Hebridean islands of Uist. In the final episode, Archie and Ben are busy in the lambing shed.

Sreath ùr a chaidh a' fiolmadh thairis air deich miosan agus a tha a' leantainn sgeulachdan cuid dhe na daoine inntinneach a tha a' fuireach air eileanan Uibhist. Tha timcheall air coig mìle neach a' fuireach ann an Uibhist air fad. Tha a chuid mhòr dhen a sin ann an Uibhist a Tuath, Beinn nam Faoghla agus Uibhist a Deas.

Tha eileanan Eirisgeidh, Griomsaigh agus Bearnaraigh gu math nas lagha, le nas lagha na da cheud neach a' fuireach anns gach àite. Ged a tha cabhsairean an-diugh a' ceangal na diofar eileanan ri chèile, tha daoine fhàthast moiteil às an sgìre neo an eilean aca fhèin.

Anns a phrògram mu dheireadh, tha Morag agus Niall ag obair aig fèill na beathaicheann ann a Loch na Madadh, the Radek air deagh nàidheachd fhaighinn, se àm breith nan uan a th'ann dha Archie agus Ben, agus tha Ruairidh a' lorg uighean na geòidh ghlas.

Seven-part observational documentary series filmed over ten months which follows the stories of some of the people who live and work on the Hebridean islands of Uist. From Berneray in the north to Eriskay in the south, the islands that make up the Uists are home to around 5,000 people. Most people live on the islands of Benbecula, North and South Uist, and the smaller islands of Eriskay, Grimsay and Berneray each have fewer than 200 residents. Although causeways now connect all the islands, they still retain their individual island identity and strong sense of community.

In the final programme of the series, Archie and Ben are busy in the lambing shed, Rory goes in search of goose eggs, Morag and Neil are at the cattle sale, Radek has good news, and Donald takes his yacht out for the first time this year.

25 minutes

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