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Last of a three-part documentary series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams. A routine tonsillectomy takes a dangerous turn for a little boy.

An t-seachdain-sa, cunnart do ghille beag an cois obair-lannsa àbhaisteach air tonsailean, fear à Ceann Loch Gilb air a thoirt gu Ospadal Ùr Ghlaschu às dèidh leòn cinn a dh'fhaodadh a bheath a mhùthadh, agus an sgioba deiseal gus càraid a ghiùlain 's an dithis nighean air am breith 18 seachdain ron àm.

Series following the work of the ScotSTAR transfer teams from their purpose-built hub at Glasgow Airport.

This week a routine tonsillectomy takes a dangerous turn for a little boy, while a man from Lochgilphead is rushed to Glasgow's new super hospital with a potentially life-changing head injury. And the team are on hand to transfer premature twin sisters hanging onto life.

59 minutes
