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Tuiteam an Teaghlaich Romanov/Last Days of the Romanovs

Sgeulachd b脿is Nicholas Romanov II agus a theaghlach. Documentary following the investigation into the story of one of the world's most fabled royal families.

Tr脿th sa mhadainn air an 17mh l脿 den Iuchar, 1918, chaidh Nicholas Romanov II, a bhean, a mhac, agus a cheathrar nighean a chur gu b脿s le sgioba losgaidh Bolshevik. Ann am fras de pheilearan, chaidh an teaghlach r矛oghail a mharbhadh. Airson bliadhnaichean an d猫idh l脿imh, bha mi-chinnt ann mu d猫 thachair dhan teaghlach. Ann an 1991 chaidh cuirp a' lorg ann an coille Sibereanach agus th貌isich an Caidreachas Ruiseanach air an rannsachadh foireansach a bu mhotha ann an eachdraidh na Ruis. An d猫idh bliadhna a' rannsachadh an fhianais th脿inig iad gu co-dh霉nadh ach, an ann dha r矛reabh leis an teaghlach r矛oghail Romanov a bha an dust? Carson a bha d脿 chorp a dh矛th a-mach as an aon corp deug a bha air chall? An d' fhuair dithis dhen teaghlach Romanov air falbh air an oidhche dhorch a bha siud? D猫 tha ri ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn an sgeulachd dhuilich a tha seo? Tha am pr貌gram a' leantainn an rannsachaidh airson freagairt fhaighinn air na ceistean dhomhainn seo.

In the early hours of July 17, 1918, a Bolshevik firing squad massacred Nicholas Romanov II, his wife, four daughters and the young prince regent. In a volley of shots the dynasty was assassinated, only to be replaced by years of theory and speculation. In 1991, gruesome remains in a Siberian forest spurred the Russian Federation to mount the biggest forensic investigation in Russian history.

After a year analysing the remains, a verdict was decided but were the bones those of the Tsar and his family? Why were the scientists only able to reconstruct 9 skeletons when there should have been 11? Did two young Romanovs escape the massacre in the darkness? What is the real story of one of the world's most fabled royal families? This documentary follows the investigation to try and answer these questions once and for all.

50 minutes

Last on

Thu 7 Sep 2017 22:30
