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The team are under pressure to be in production before the grand opening day arrives.

As deidh naoi bliadhna uile gu lèir eadar ullachadh is obair togail tha taigh-staile na Hearadh air thighinn gu bith. Tha an sgioba fo uallach obair na staile a thòisicheadh is là fosglaidh a' teannadh dlùth. Tha aig an sgioba ri bhi innleachdail agus eòlas ionadail a chleachdadh gus faighinn seachad air dùbhlain teigniceach. Tha an taigh-staile, leis a theine mhòine, aig teis-mheadhain Nollaig coimhearsnachd na Hearadh, agus tha ceum eachdraidheil ga ghabhail is a' chiad uisge-beatha Hearach dha staileadh.

The team are under pressure to be in production before the grand opening day arrives. A few technical glitches get sorted out as the team draw on local resources and knowledge before the distillery opens for business.

Their first festive season sees the community centred around the distillery peat fire, and history is made when the first Harris whisky spirit is distilled.

28 minutes