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Episode 6

Episode 6 of 8

Anna Nicleòid a' còmhradh ri dithis aoigh mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Anna MacLeod talks to guests Amanda Millen and Seonaidh Charity about their favourite books.

Bidh Anna Nicleòid a' còmhradh ri dithis aoigh gach seachdain mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Bidh Amanda Millen a' bruidhinn air ficsean mìorbhail chloinne leis an leabhar, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, le Alan Garner, stèidhte air beul-aithris Shasannach agus cuideachd tha i a' beachdachadh air an sgrìobhadh aig Iain M. Banks.

Bidh Seonaidh Charity, sgrìobhadair sgeulachdan ghoirid, a' coimhead air an sgrìobhadh aig Hemingway agus a' meòrachadh air mar a tha guth agus fèin-fhiosrachadh an t-ùghdar a' tighinn a-mach sna stòiridhean aige. A bharrachd air bruidhinn mu thrì de na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha tha gach duine air aon dhiubh sin a mholadh dha chèile 'son a leughadh agus gheibh sinn a-mach anns a' phrògram co- dhiù an do chòrd na leabhraichean riutha - neo nach do chòrd!

Anna Macleod is in conversation with two guests each week about their favourite books. Amanda Millen discusses Alan Garner's fantasy fiction novel 'The Weirdstone of Brisingamen', which is based on English folklore, along with the diverse works of Iain M. Banks.

Short story writer Seonaidh Charity looks at 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' and considers how Hemingway's own voice and personal experience are prevalent in his writing. As well as discussing their favourite books each guest will have chosen a book for the other to read and we'll find out in the programme whether they enjoyed it - or not!

28 minutes