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Episode 5 of 9

Julie Fowlis and Muireann NicAmhlaoibh visit Belfast, a city with a long musical heritage. Accompanying Julie and Muireann are Brìghde Campbell and Arthur Cormack.

Sreath ciùil air a lìbhrigeadh le Julie Fowlis agus Muireann NicAmhlaoibh.'S e programan aithriseach a th'ann am Port, a' foillseachadh an dualchas ciùil a tha aig an dithis ann an cumantas. Anns a' phrògram seo tha iad ann am Beul Feirste, baile le dualchas ciùil a tha dol air ais linntean. Còmhla ri Julie air an turas seo gu Èirinn a Tuath tha Brìghde Chaimbeul, pìobaire a tha air iomadh duais a chosnadh, agus Art MacCarmaig, seinneadair ainmeil a tha fìor eòlach air dualchas ciùil eilean àraich - an t-Eilean Sgitheanach.

Tha iad a' coinneachadh ri cuid dhen luchd-ciùil as fheàrr a th' ann am Beul Feirste airson òrain agus ceòl a roinn nam measg fhèin. A' co-obrachadh leotha tha Seán agus Róise Mac Corraidh, an seinneadair cliùiteach Gráinne Holland, an ceòladair agus an riochdaire ciùil Dónal O'Connor agus am pìobaire John McSherry.

Presented by Julie Fowlis and Muireann NicAmhlaoibh, Port is a musical documentary which reveals their shared musical heritage.

In this episode they visit Belfast, a city with a long musical heritage. Accompanying Julie and Muireann on this trip to Northern Ireland are award-winning piper Brìghde Campbell and acclaimed Skye singer Arthur Cormack, a singer steeped in the musical traditions of his native island.

They meet some of Belfast's finest musicians to share music and songs and collaborating with them are Seán and Róise Mac Corraidh, the celebrated singer Gráinne Holland, musician and music producer Dónal O'Connor and piper John McSherry.

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Julie Fowlis
Presenter Muireann NicAmhlaoibh
