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Sloinneadh agus Far-ainmean/Patronymics and Nicknames

Episode 20 of 21

Documentary in which Alan Campbell explores the history and relevance of patronymics and nicknames, and their place in the culture of the Highlands and Islands.

Tha cò th' annainn agus cò às a tha sinn na phàirt riatanach dhe ar cuid aithne. Ged a tha Sloinnidhean agus Far-ainmean air an cleachdadh air feadh an t-saoghail, tha àite sònraichte aca ann an cultar na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean. Tha Ailean Caimbeul bhon Eilean Sgitheanach a' gabhail turas airson coimhead air a' bheairteas a tha na lùib, agus cluinnidh e mu mar a tha eirmse gheur agus àbhachdas aig a' chridhe.

Who we are and where we come from is a vital part of our identity. Although used the world over, patronymics and nicknames have a special place in the culture of the Highlands and Islands, and Alan Campbell from Skye takes a trip to explore the rich diversity and sharp wit and humour that lies at their heart.

He heads from Skye to Lewis, Uist, Barra and Sutherland to hear the vital part these unique names played in communities and villages in the past, and explores their use now.

We also see how this all fits in to a European context with a look at the Dutch and Icelandic patronymics, as Sally Magnusson reveals her family's personal take.

A fascinating look at the world of patronymics and nicknames.

59 minutes