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Tha na balaich anns na Hearadh is a' còcaireachd Chowder agus Jambalaya a-muigh. The lads head out of the kitchen to the Isle of Harris and visit Roddy's father.

'S e deagh chòcairean a th'anns na balaich. Tha iad a' fàgail a' chidsin agus a' dèanamh an slighe dha na Hearadh far am faigh iad buntàta bho athair Ruairidh, agus cuiridh e cuideachd seachad ùine còmhla ri cho-ogha air an tràigh a' lorg srùbagan a chuireas e dhan Chowder aige. 'S e biadh à Ameireagaidh a Deas a tha Uisdean a' dèanamh, is e air tòir maorach air bòrd bàta-iasgaich a thèid dhan Jambalaya aige. Nuair a thilleas iad air ais còmhla, tha an là cho math is gu bheil iad a' còcaireachd a-muigh fon ghrèine.

The lads head out of the kitchen to the Isle of Harris, where they visit Roddy's father for some of his delicious home-grown machair potatoes. They also spend time with his cousin on the beach raking for cockles to make his own version of New England chowder.

Along the coast at a small village harbour, Uisdean sources fresh seafood straight from the deck of a local fishing boat for a South American inspired-jambalaya. On returning to their temporary base, it's such a fine day in Harris that they decide to cook and dine al fresco.

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See all episodes from Seòid a' Chidsin - The Kitchen Coves