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Airbus vs Boeing

An sgeulachd ch貌mhstri eadar Boeing agus Airbus. Documentary looking at the rivalry between Airbus and Boeing, one of the greatest technological adventures of the 20th century.

Tha an t-sreath seo, Aghaidh ri Aghaidh a' d猫anamh coimeas eadar dithis air a bheil sinn uile e貌lach, a' sealltainn a' ch貌mhstri a bh' eatorra agus mar a thug seo buaidh air ar beatha l脿itheil.

'S e an sgeulachd mun ch貌mhstri eadar Boeing agus Airbus, aon de na gluasadan daonna agus teicnigeach as fhe脿rr a thachair san 20mh linn. Ach 's e cuideachd sgeulachd a th' ann mu chumhachd agus buaidh, air a sti霉ireadh le 脿rd-amasan geopoilitigeach agus str矛, far a bheil aontaidhean agus c霉mhnantan a' m矛neachadh an neart a th' aig d霉thaich air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha an sgeulachd a tha seo a' sealltainn cruth atharrachadh a' tighinn air an t-saoghal 's a' foillseachadh comann-s貌isealta cruinneil, anns a bheil gn矛omhachasan m貌ra nan cluicheadairean agus nan luchd-fianais.

Face to Face is a series of comparative portraits featuring two well-known figures, seen through the prism of their rivalry. The scale and scope of their contention went far beyond mere personal antagonism; the results of their confrontation have often changed society and deeply impacted our lives.

The story of the rivalry between Boeing and Airbus is no doubt one of the greatest human and technological adventures of the 20th century. But it is also a story of power and influence, driven by geopolitical ambitions and struggles, where deals and contracts define a country's force across the world. This programme features a truly global story, embodying and revealing the transformation of a bi-polar world into a globalised society, in which the industrial giants are both players and witnesses.

51 minutes
