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Episode 3

DIY programme. The halfway point is approaching and wet weather continues to hamper some of the work, but Donnie is certain they are on target to complete.

Tha Donnie MacLe貌id agus sgioba de luchd-togail bho air feadh Eilean Le貌dhais air d霉bhlan a chur romhpa fh猫in: Retirement Centre Le貌dhais a dh猫anamh an 脿irde ann an c貌ig latha. Le luchd-obrach an eilein a' toirt seachad an 霉ine fh猫in agus na stuthan togail an-asgaidh, tha t貌rr cuideam air Donnie 's an sgioba an obair a chr矛ochnachadh ann an 霉ine.Gach seachdain, bidh c貌rr is m矛le gu leth neach a' cleachdadh an ionaid, bho naoidhein gu seann dhaoine, ach tha cruaidh fheum air a dh猫anamh an 脿irde agus tuilleadh r霉m a thoirt dha na diofar bhuidhnean.Anns a' phr貌gram seo, tha an obair a' leantainn. Tha droch aimsir fhathast a' toirt buaidh air na h-obrach ach tha Donnie 's an sgioba a' cumail orra. Agus a dh'aindeoin gach n矛, tha sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 gu le貌r am measg na tha s脿s sa phr貌iseact, gu h-脿raid leis an obair tearraidh air t貌iseachadh mu thicheall an togalaich. Donnie Macleod and a team of local tradesmen attempt to renovate the community-run Lewis Retirement Centre in Stornoway in five days. With the local workforce giving their time and all of the building materials to this charitable project free of charge, the pressure is on to complete the work on time. Each week, over fifteen hundred islanders use the centre as a meeting place and recreational space but it's badly in need of updating and more space is required to satisfy the needs of the community organisations. If all goes to plan, Donnie and the team will update this much-loved centre and create the extra space required. In this programme, Donnie and the team continue with the project. Wet weather is still hampering some of the trades but with the plumbers, joiners, electricians and plasterers busy inside and the tarring of the driveway underway outside, Donnie's certain they're on target to complete. In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes



Role Contributor
Presenter Donnie Macleod


Companaidhean agus daoine a chuidich agus a ghabh p脿irt anns An D霉bhlan

Companies and individuals who contributed to An D霉bhlan.