Episode 8
Farpais iasgaich bho gach ce脿rnaidh dhen t-saoghal. Anglers from around the world go head to head in the ultimate clash of fishing styles and cultures.
Tha e air a r脿dh gur e iasgach an sp貌rs as fhe脿rr san t-saoghal. Ach le cho farsaing 's a tha an sp貌rs agus le iomadach neach an s脿s ann, c貌 an t-iasgair as fhe脿rr a th' ann? Tha an t-sreath seo a' cur tri霉ir iasgairean an aghaidh a ch猫ile ann an 脿iteachan iongantach air feadh an t-saoghail.
Aig dachaigh gach neach, tha iad ag iasgach c貌mhla le fealla dh脿 c貌mhstri, c脿irdeas agus iasg gu le貌r! Ach cha ann d矛reach mu dheidhinn an iasgaich a tha an fharpais, 's ann mu dheidhinn dibhearsain a tha e cuideachd agus aig a' cheann thall mun neach a bhios a' cur an turas as fhe脿rr air d貌igh.
Tha na Fir Chlis agus mucan mhara a' cur f脿ilte air na h-iasgairean ann an uisgeachan fuar an Nirribhidh 's iad ag iasgach airson Truisg. 'S e an Gead targaid nan iasgairean ann am Breatainn agus 's e na 'Mangrove Creeks' agus oirthir Ghambia a tha aca ri l脿imhseachadh airson an fharpais a chr矛ochnachadh.
Some say competitive fishing is the best sport in the world. But with so many fishermen and so many fishing disciplines, who is best? Each episode pits three highly skilled anglers against one another in separate fishing expeditions around the world. Challenging each other in their home waters, the fishermen bring plenty of rivalry along with bonding, banter and big catches.
The competition isn't just about who catches the biggest or the most fish, it's also about who can host the ultimate fishing trip.
The Northern Lights and pods of humpback whales welcome them to the icy waters of Arctic Norway as they fish for giant Atlantic cod. Britain's ancient predator, the pike, lies in wait for them in the UK. And the mangrove creeks and Atlantic coastline of the Gambia are the battlegrounds for the decisive final encounters.
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