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An Tinneas Tuiteamach/Epilepsy

Episode 11 of 19

Documentary examining epilepsy, one of the most common neurological disorders in Scotland today, affecting around 54,000 people.

'S e an tinneas tuiteamach aon de na tinneasan nearbh as cumanta ann an Alba le timcheall air 54,000 neach a' fulang leis. Sin 1 a-mach 脿 97 neach. 'S urrainn dha buaidh a thoirt air duine sam bith aig 脿m sam bith, agus tha e a' toirt buaidh air sean is 貌g. Tha c貌rr is 40 se貌rsa cuairt ann, agus 's d貌cha gun tig barrachd air aon se貌rsa cuairt air neach.

Ach tha an leigheas ceart a' d猫anamh diofar m貌r. Tha taic tro ionadan meidigeach agus sgiobaidhean s貌nraichte riatanach dhaibhsan a tha a' fulang leis son taic is cuideachadh a thoirt dhaibh. Coinnichidh sinn ri cuid a tha be貌 leis agus cluinnidh sinn mun d貌igh anns a bheil e a' toirt buaidh an d脿 chuid orra fh猫in agus air an cuid teaghlaichean agus luchd-c霉raim, agus mar a tha iad a' cumail smachd air agus fi霉 's a' faighinn seachad air tro leigheis agus obair lannsa. Sgeulachdan dr霉idhteach, buadhail, smuaineachail a thogas aire air cor a tha falaichte dha m貌ran - An Tinneas Tuiteamach.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in Scotland today, and around 54,000 suffer from it - that's 1 out of 97. It can affect anyone, and affect them at any time, and doesn't discrimiate between young and old.

There are about 40 different types of seizures, and a person may have more than one type. But the right treatment can make a huge difference. Support through specialist centres and teams are vital to those who have epilepsy. We meet some of those who live with it and hear about how it impacts them and the lives of families and carers, and how they control and even overcome the condition through treatment and surgery.

59 minutes
