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Babies Riana and Joanes benefit from the life-changing intervention of Benin’s Ponseti clinic.

A unique hospital ship offering life-saving surgery sets sail for the poorest of the poor in Africa. It has just one year to do the impossible – to provide the care these people cannot get any other way.

Mother of three Houefassi has a crushing tumour removed from her neck in a marathon nine-hour surgery, while babies Riana and Joanes benefit from the life-changing intervention of Benin’s Ponseti clinic. But the work of the Mercy Ships goes beyond the boundaries of the operating theatre and clinic. They strive to leave a lasting legacy and help build the capacity of Benin to meet its own health care needs.

Tha long ospadail shònraichte a tha a’ toirt seachad obair-lannsa aig muir, a’ dèanamh air na daoine as bochda ann an Afraga. Chan eil aca ach aon bhliadhna airson an obair do-dhèanta seo a dhèanamh – cùram a’ thoirt do dhaoine nach fhaigh e ann an àite sam bith eile.

Tha Houefassi, aig a bheil triùir chloinne, a’ tighinn a-steach airson obair-lannsa naoi uairean a thìde air cnap mòr air a h-amhaich. Cuideachd tha na naoidhein, Riana agus Joanes, a’ faighinn buannachd bho bhith a’ frithealadh clionaig Ponseti ann am Benin. Tha obair nan Luingean Lannsaireachd nas fharsaing na an t-seòmar obair-lannsa agus an clionaig ged tà. Tha iad cuideachd a’ feuchainn ri dìleab mhaireannach fhàgail, airson gum bi na daoine ann am Benin comasach air dèiligeadh ri na feumalachdan slàinte san sgìre aca fhèin.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

44 minutes

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