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Tha na fleasgaich a' toirt sealladh air biadh an òige ach le tionndadh ùr. Cookery programme. The lads revisit the recipes of their youth and give them a modern twist.

Tha na fleasgaich a' toirt sealladh air biadh an òige ach le tionndadh ùr. Tha Uisdean gar toirt air ais gu dhachaigh àraich far na thòisich ùidh ann an còcaireachd le mhàthair. Cuimhnichidh Ruairidh air biadh bho àrach fhèin. 'S e Cullen Skink a th' air aire Ruairidh an toiseach fhad 's a tha Uisdean trang le Duf a mhathar 's e a' dol ga chur ann an Cearc-Innseanach le measgachadh de bhuntata ròsta agus glasraich air an ròstadh le mil. Tha Ruairidh a' gluasad air adhart gu Adha Uain, biadh air a bheil cuimhne mhath aige bho òige. Airson milis tha Uisdean a' cur air dòigh Ughagan a dheidheas leis an Duf a tha a chorr.

The lads revisit the recipes of their youth, giving them a modern twist. Uisdean takes us back to his family home, where his mother's influence started his interest in cooking, and Roddy recalls ingredients from his own upbringing.

Back in the kitchen, Roddy prepares a hearty Cullen skink, while Uisdean has prepared a clootie dumpling to his mother's recipe and uses it as stuffing in a guineafowl which will be accompanied by a classic combination of roast potatoes and honey-roasted vegetables.

Roddy follows on with lambs liver, a traditional staple dish from his childhood. For dessert, Uisdean makes homemade custard to accompany the remaining dumpling.

Air a chraoladh

DiL 21 Sult 2020 23:30

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See all episodes from Seòid a' Chidsin - The Kitchen Coves