Politics Live Clips
Blackford: Johnson is 'creating a rogue state'—09/09/2020
Duration: 01:01
Events business left in limbo as furlough end nears—09/09/2020
Duration: 02:33
Starmer tells PM to get furlough ‘decision right’—02/09/2020
Duration: 01:10
When will Johnson meet Covid-19 bereaved families?—02/09/2020
Duration: 01:29
SNP calls on PM to extend furlough scheme—02/09/2020
Duration: 01:33
Abbott for UK Board of Trade 'such a bad idea'—01/09/2020
Duration: 00:36
Small housing the 'size of the ministerial limousine'—22/07/2020
Duration: 01:11
Covid-19 impact on the overweight questioned—22/07/2020
Duration: 01:13
Starmer questions PM on Russia—22/07/2020
Duration: 03:11
Could whistle sound for football community schemes?—22/07/2020
Duration: 04:01
SNP: Westminster preparing 'power grab'—15/07/2020
Duration: 01:42
Starmer attacks 'stunning success rhetoric'—15/07/2020
Duration: 01:42
Starmer: BA rehiring plan is a 'warning shot'—15/07/2020
Duration: 01:47
PM asked if he backs coronavirus inquiry—15/07/2020
Duration: 01:05
'Cladding more stressful than cancer'—15/07/2020
Duration: 02:14
SNP call for furlough 'lifeline' to be extended—08/07/2020
Duration: 01:44
Is government ending free parking for NHS staff?—08/07/2020
Duration: 01:29
Starmer: Will PM apologise for care home 'offence'?—08/07/2020
Duration: 01:28
How have nurseries copied during lockdown?—08/07/2020
Duration: 04:04
PM: 'We are the builders, they are the blockers'—01/07/2020
Duration: 01:38
SNP on ‘heartless, cruel’ benefit changes—01/07/2020
Duration: 01:33
Starmer: Why so slow to act in Leicester?—01/07/2020
Duration: 01:25
Former policeman wants Yvonne Fletcher inquiry—01/07/2020
Duration: 01:04