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A look back at some of the bands who took to the Hothouse Stage at Belladrum 2017, including Twin Atlantic, Dr Feelgood, Deaf Havana, Milburn, Neon Waltz and The Sherlocks.

Blas de cuid de na còmhlain a bha cluichd air Àrd-làir Hothouse thairis dà là aig Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim ann an 2017. Am measg an luchd-ciùil air leth tàlantach a bha an làthair, cluinnear Twin Atlantic, còmhlan ‘alt roc’ Albannach à Glaschu agus prìomh chòmhlan oidhche Haoine. Cuideachd ceòl bho: Dr Feelgood; Deaf Havana; Milburn; Neon Waltz & The Sherlocks. Agus chìthear Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, còmhlan ‘roc punk’ làn neart agus prìomh chòmhlan oidhche Shathairne air Àrd-làir Hothouse, agus abair gleadhrach a rinn iad!

Tha an Fhèis air a bhith ruith o dhà mhìle ‘sa ceithir nuair a bha an ceòl a’ dol dìreach airson aon là. A-nis, tha an fhèis a ruith fad trì làithean agus abair rionnagan ciùil a bhitheas i tarraing! Bidh faisg air seachd mile deug neach a’ tadhail oirre agus tha an luchd-amharc an còmhnaidh càirdeil agus beòthail.

A look back at the impressive bands who took to the Hothouse Stage, across two days and nights on the beautiful Belladrum Estate, in Beauly in Inverness-shire. Including performances by Scots rockers Twin Atlantic, who headlined the Friday night, Dr Feelgood, Deaf Havana, Milburn, Neon Waltz and The Sherlocks. Also included are the solid and pumping sound of hardcore punk outfit Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes, who headlined the Saturday night on the Hothouse Stage.

Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival has been running since 2004, when it was a one-day event. The popular event now runs across three days and boasts an annual stellar line-up. Year on year the festival grows and attracts crowds of nearly 17,000 punters to the event while maintaining its reputation as a vibrant and family friendly festival in the heart of the Highlands.

1 hour, 12 minutes
