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Episode 3

Highlights from the final day of the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, featuring the leading acts performing on the main Garden Stage.

Sealladh bho Fhèis Bhealadruim le sùil air na bhios an gnìomh thairis air trì oidhcheannan air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis. Se seo an còigeamh bliadhna deug de dh’ Fhèis Bhealadruim agus tha dùil ri sluagh mòr. Thathar a’ cur fàilte air teaghlaichean air fad agus a’ tairgsinn fealla-dhà is spòrs dhan a h-uile neach a bhios an làthair. A’ gabhail àite aig Oighreachd Bhealadruim, faisg air a’ Mhanachainn, bidh na tàlantan tarraingeach aig an Fhèis air an clàradh mar a thachras iad.

A flavour of the Belladrum Festival, with live coverage spread across three nights from Bella’s Garden Stage. Now in its fifteenth year, Belladrum Festival, with full houses expected, is renowned as a family friendly celebration with a fun and welcoming atmosphere. We’ll capture performances, backstage chat and social media shout outs to boot. From the Belladrum Estate near Beauly, we’ll bring you the magic of Belladrum as it happens.

2 hours
