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Episode 3

Fiona MacKenzie and Lana Beaton present lively chat from the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe.

Sreath ùr, bheòthail bho Fringe Dhùn Èideann. Air a’ lìbhrigeadh le Fiona NicChoinnich agus Lana Pheutan a tha a’ toirt dhuinn an cruinneachadh as fheàrr. Bidh còmhraidhean le aoighean sònraichte, a bharrachd air sùil air na taisbeanaidhean as aibheiseach agus as tarraingeach a tha ri fhaicinn aig an Fhèis am bliadhna, le sealladh fa leth air an tàlant a tha gan cuir air dòigh.

Lively chat show from the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe. Presenters Fiona MacKenzie and Lana Beaton bring the best of the Fringe, with in-depth conversations with celebrity guests, as well as a look at the best Fringe shows on offer this year, and a look behind the scenes at the performers and talent that make it all happen.

30 minutes
