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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 4

Comedy sketch show that pokes fun at everything Gaelic and non-Gaelic, with fabulous costumes, crazy characters and surreal situations.

’S e comadaidh sgeidseachan ùr a th’ ann an FUNC a bhios a’ tarraing às na Gàidheil, Goill is an còrr. Le measgachadh de charactairean neo-àbhaisteach mar na sìobrathan taobh a-muigh Àirc Noah gu aoir: is an Ceann-Suidhe Trump a’ fònadh dhachaigh a Leòdhas; gu neach-tacsi nach fhaigh fois bho bhean; bho phrògram rèidio annasach gu neach-ceumnachaidh a tha a’ saoilsinn gum faigh e air obair sam bith a dhèanamh, tha FUNC a’ toirt slaic èibhinn - air a h-uile duine. Le ochd cleasaichean ùr Gàidhlig, tha FUNC luath, mì-mhodhail agus geur an uair a thig e gu saoghal na Gàidhlig san latha an-diugh. Tha èideadh air leth ann, caractairean gun chiall agus suidheachaidhean àraid am pailteas

FUNC is a comedy sketch show that pokes fun at everything Gaelic and non-Gaelic. Mixing surreal characters like the zebras trying to board Noah’s Ark to satire - President Trump calling his cousins in Lewis - to the taxi driver who can never hang up on his wife. From radio shows with a twist to a graduate who thinks he can do any job, FUNC takes a comic swipe at the Gaelic world and beyond.

Starring a cast of eight Gaelic young actors, FUNC is a fast-paced, irreverent, and cheeky take on the modern Gaelic world. There are fabulous costumes, crazy characters and surreal situations.

29 minutes

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