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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 8

Ramsay MacMahon a’ tadhal air Ìle agus Diùra. Ramsay MacMahon escapes Glasgow for the weekend and heads to Islay and Jura.

Agus abair gu bheil fhios aigesan dè na cuairtean deireadh-sheachdain is fheàrr: an-diugh tha e a’ seòladh gu Ìle is Diùra. Leis a’ bhaidhseagal agus na pàrdagan làn uidheam campachaidh, tha e a’ cuir suas an teant san àite is bòidhche. An uairsin le deise-fliuch, tha e feuchainn beagan dàibhidh san tanalach – agus dìreach eagal ’s gun gabh e fuachd, a’ feuchainn blasad de dh’uisge-beatha an eilein.

Còig mionaidean air an aiseag a-null gu Diùra an ath latha, agus deagh chnap cèic na bhroinn mus tèid e mach gu cuairt-shruth a’ Choire Bhreacain. Tha leumadairean a’ leantail an eathair, agus far na mara chì Ramsay an taigh san do chuir Seòras Orwell crìoch air an nobhail 1984.

In his guide to the ultimate weekend away Ramsay travels to Islay and Jura. Taking his trusty bike and panniers full of camping gear he pitches his tent in the most spectacular coastal location. Wetsuit on to brave Hebridean water, he goes snorkelling in Islay’s crystal clear turquoise sea. To warm him up he samples some of the island’s most famous produce: whisky.

The next day Ramsay hops on the five-minute ferry to Jura. Here he dines on cake at a self-service café on the beach and takes a trip out to the Corryvreckan. On his trip to the infamous whirlpool the boat is followed by dolphins and they pass the house in which George Orwell completed his novel 1984.

30 minutes