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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 6

Two young brothers ask Donnie to build them a treehouse. In challenging conditions, you can see if the young boys are impressed with the final hut Donnie has built.

Tha Donnie Dòtaman MacLeòid air ais le sreath ùr loma làn phròiseactan ùra DiY. ‘S dòcha gum fac sibh e a’ dèanamh obair DIY sna coimhearsnachdan air feadh na h-Eileanan an Iar. An turas seo ge-tà, bidh Donnie anns an Òban agus abair gu bheil obraichean a’ feitheamh air san sgìre. Anns a’ chaid phrògram tah dùbhlan roimhe nuair a dh’fheumas e taigh-craoibh a thogail airson dà bhalach òg san sgìre, Rufus agus Felix.

Chì sinn an robh na balaich toilcihte ris an taigh a thog Donnie dhaibh!

Cuideach bidh Donnie a’ coinneachadh ri sàr-eòlaichean ceangailte ri ioma seòrsa ciùird. ‘Sa phrògram-sa, bidh e a’ tadhal air bùth a tha air aire a tharraing!

Air ais sa gharradh aige fhèin, bidh Donnie a’ sgioblachadh oisein bheag falaichte far am bheil stuth mar smodal agus traicleis. Ach tha amas aige seada a thogail airson a h-uile càil a’ stòradh.

DIY guru Donnie Dòtaman MacLeod returns with another series of fascinating challenges. In this programme, young brothers Rufus and Felix ask Donnie to build them a treehouse. In challenging conditions, will the young boys be impressed with the final hut Donnie has built?

During the series, Donnie along with offering tips on some DIY jobs, meets some experts in the DIY domain and learns about a particular trade or practice. In this episode, he visits a shop in Oban that has caught his attention for all the DIY accessories available.

Donnie also upgrades his own house and garden environment. He clears away an area full of discarded items and starts to build a shed to store any fittings and utensils.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

44 minutes

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