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Film documenting the major natural disasters of 2015, from the least deadly to the most dramatic.

Cearcaill-ghaoithe leithid nach fhacas riamh roimhe, spreadhaidhean bheanntan-theine, crithean-thalmhainn làidir agus teas gun chrìoch – nochd sreathan de thachartasan nàdarra annasach troimh 2015. An e teasachadh na cruinne, neo adhbharan eile, leithid El Niño, a bu choireach? Ciamar a bhios luchd- saidheans a' feuchainn ri ro-aithris a dhèanamh air tachartasan mar sin?

A bheil e comasach sluagh ullachadh roimh làimh mu choinneamh tachartasan nàdarra? Bho bheanntan nan Andes gu àrd-chlàir nan Himalaya seachad air fàsach deighe Innis Tìle agus pàrras eileanan Vanuatu, feuchaidh am film seo ri mìneachadh a dhèanamh air staid caochlaideach an t-saoghail le taic bho eòlaichean. Air a chlàradh ann an 4K ann an suidheachaidhean cunnartach, tha am film seo a' taisbeanadh na tachartasan sgriosail nàdarra a thachair ann an 2015 bhon fheadhainn as lugha chun an fheadhainn as miosa.

Record-breaking cyclone activity, explosive volcanic eruptions, powerful earthquakes and endless heat waves – 2015 was punctuated by a number of exceptional natural disasters.

Is this the result of global warming or could other factors, like El Nino, be to blame? How do scientists try to forecast these cataclysms? Is it possible for inhabitants to prepare in advance and anticipate these natural events?

From the Andes mountain range to the Himalayan plateaux past the icy wastelands of Iceland and the paradise islands of Vanuatu, this film tries to unravel the mysteries of the planet’s mood swings with the support of experts. Entirely shot in 4K, canned in hostile and dangerous situations, this film presents the major natural disasters of 2015 from the least deadly to the most dramatic.

52 minutes

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