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Episode 3

Ceòl traidiseanta le Trail West bho chuirm ann am Barrowland. Traditional music from Trail West in concert at a sold-out Barrowland.

Cuirm shònraichte a chaidh a chlàradh air Latha Naoimh Anndrais 2018 le Trail West. Bidh a chòmhlan a’ cluich airson luchd-leantainn ‘s iad air talla chliùiteach Barrowland a’ lìonadh chun nan sparran. Tha Trail West a’ tàladh agus a’ glèidheadh luchd leantainn le clàran tionnsgalach agus cuairtean cunbhalach. Bho thòisich iad a cluich còmladh an toiseach, tha’d air tighinn gu ìre, a’ leasachadh bho chòmhlan de cheathrar gu sianar air am bheil fèill mhòr aig fèisean, ‘s iad a’ taisbeanadh stòras dian de phuirt thraidiseanta agus òrain.

A concert special from Trail West recorded on St Andrew’s Day 2018 with the band playing at a sold-out Barrowland Ballroom. Trail West remain at the forefront of the burgeoning traditional music scene, winning hearts, minds and fans with innovative albums and regular tours. The band have now come of age, with the original line-up of four Hebrideans now an exhilarating six-piece band and festival favourites, playing a fiery repertoire of traditional music and songs.

29 minutes

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