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Eachdraidh Ameireagaidh ann an dath airson a’ chiad uair. The story of America’s past seen, in colour for the first time.

Tràth san fhicheadamh linn, dh’ atharraich cur-seachadan beatha dhaoine ann an Ameireaga. Le barrachd beairteis às ur, chuir muinntir Ameireagaidh seachad an ùine saor a bh’ aca ri fealla-dhà agus spòrs. Bha an ginealach ùr a’ faicinn cothrom cnapan starra sòisealta a bhriseadh sìos.

An dèidh ìsleachadh, cogadh agus soirbheachas, bha cur-seachadan, a bha nam pàirt chudromach de fhèin-aithneachadh Ameireagaidh, a’ dearbhadh cò bh’ annad. A’ cleachdadh tasglann agus filmichean dachaigh, tha sgeulachd shòisealta Ameireagaidh air a h- innse ann an dath airson a’ chiad uair.

In the early 20th century, leisure and recreation transformed American lives. Newly wealthy, the American society filled free time with wholesome entertainment and sports. A new generation saw an opportunity to break down many of the social barriers. Through depression, war and boom, play defined who you were, as leisure became the cornerstone of American identity.

Using rare archive and home movies, the story of the American social playtime is featured here in colour for the first time.

47 minutes
