Naturebang Episodes Episode guide
Vole-love and Fidelity
Lessons on love, and how to be faithful, from a rodent the size of a satsuma
Parasites and Personality
Who controls your thoughts and actions? You? Or the things that live inside you?
The Portuguese Man O'War and the Individual
Are we one or are we many? Examining individualism via a colonial jellyfish.
Sea-Sponges and the Illusion of Self
Breaking down the illusion of self, with help from the humble sea sponge
Starlings and Social Networks
What can the patterns in a starling murmuration tell us about the way our ideas spread?
Welcome to Naturebang
Becky Ripley and Emily Knight look to nature to answer some of life's big questions.
Naturebang is back!
What else can the natural world teach us about being human?
Introducing Yeti
Could the yeti actually exist? Two intrepid explorers go in search of the truth.