An Litir Bheag 745
Litir Bheag na seachdain sa le Ruairidh MacIlleathain. Litir à ireamh 745. Roddy Maclean is back with this week's short letter for Gà idhlig learners.
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Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh 1049
An Litir Bheag 745
Duration: 03:26
An Litir Bheag 745
A bheil am fuasgladh agaibh? Ulysses S Grant. Ceann-suidhe nan Stà itean Aonaichte eadar ochd ceud deug, seasgad ʼs a naoi (1869) agus seachdad ʼs a seachd (1877). Bha e ainmeil mar shaighdear cuideachd. Bha e os cionn Arm an Aonaidh anns a’ Chogadh Chatharra.
Goirid an dèidh don dà rna teirm aige mar cheann-suidhe thighinn gu ceann, dh’fhalbh Grannd, a bhean agus am mac air turas air feadh an t-saoghail. Bha iad air falbh airson dà bhliadhna gu leth.Â
Rà inig iad Alba air an latha mu dheireadh dhen Lùnastal agus fhuair iad fà ilte mhòr. Bha sinnsireachd Albannach aig a’ Ghranndach air gach taobh. Chaidh iad a Chaisteal Dhùn Èideann agus cuideachd a dh’Abbotsford anns na Crìochan – an t-seann dachaigh aig an sgrìobhadair ainmeil, Sir Bhaltair Scott.Â
Rà inig iad Inbhir Nis air an ochdamh latha dhen t-Sultain. Bha coinneamh phoblach ann far an do bhuilich Comhairle Inbhir Nis Saorsa a’ Bhaile air a’ Ghranndach. B’ esan a’ chiad Ameireaganach riamh air an deach an t-urram sin a bhuileachadh.Â
Chaidh e a thadhal air a’ Mhorair Chat ann an Dùn Robain ach dhiùlt e cothrom a dhol a shealg ann an Cataibh. Eucoltach ri gu leòr de chinn-suidhe Ameireaganach, cha robh e na shealgair.Â
Bha ùidh aig a’ Ghranndach ann an teicneòlas. Agus chaidh e a Dhùn Dè airson an drochaid as fhaide anns an t-saoghal fhaicinn. B’ e sin an tè thar Linne Thatha nach robh buileach deiseil aig an à m. Dà bhliadhna an dèidh sin, bhiodh an drochaid a’ tuiteam ann an stoirm, ag adhbharachadh bàs seachdad ʼs a còig duine.
Agus ciamar a chòrd Alba ris? Chan eil mi cinnteach. Gu mì-fhortanach, cha d’ fhuair e cothrom a dhol a Bhaile nan Granndach. Agus co-dhiù, a rèir choltais, ʼs e Iapan a b’ fheà rr a chòrd ris am measg dhùthchannan an t-saoghail.Â
The Little Letter 745
There is a man in the White House in Washington DC just now who has Scottish ancestry. But here’s a question for you. Who is the first American president who came to Scotland? Well, he wasn’t president at the time. He had just given up his job after eight years.
Do you have the solution? Ulysses S. Grant. The President of the United States between 1869 and 1877. He was famous as a soldier also. He commanded the Union Army in the Civil War.
Shortly after his second term as president came to an end, Grant, his wife and their son left on a world tour. They were away for two and a half years.
They reached Scotland on the last day of August and received a big welcome. Grant had Scottish ancestry on both sides. They went to Edinburgh Castle and also to Abbotsford in the Borders – the old home of the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott.
They reached Inverness on the 8th of September. There was a public meeting where the Town Council bestowed Freedom of the Burgh on Grant. He was the first American ever to have that honour bestowed on him.
He went to visit the Duke of Sutherland in Dunrobin but refused an opportunity to go hunting in East Sutherland. Unlike many American presidents, he was not a hunter.
Grant was interested in technology. And he went to Dundee to see the longest bridge in the world. That was the one across the Tay estuary which was not quite complete at the time. Two years later, the bridge would fall in a storm, causing the deaths of 75 people.
And how did he enjoy Scotland? I’m not sure. Unfortunately, he didn’t get an opportunity to go to Grantown on Spey. And, anyway, apparently it was Japan he most enjoyed among countries of the world.
- Sun 25 Aug 2019 16:00Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Radio nan Gà idheal
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An Litir Bheag
Litirichean do luchd-ionnsachaidh ura. Letters in Gaelic for beginners.