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Episode 26 of 104

Tha Bing troimhe chèile nuair a thuiteas an leabhar 's fheàrr leis dhan amar! Bing is upset when his favourite bedtime storybook falls in the bath!

Tha Bing san amar ‘s tha Flop a’ leughadh sgeulachd dha ach, san ùpraid ullachaidh, tha an leabhar a tuiteam dhan amar ‘s e air a mhilleadh! Tha Bing troimhe chèile ach tha Flop a’ dearbhadh dha g’eil na sgeulachdan ‘s fheàrr nar n-inntinn!

Bing is in the bath and wants Flop to read him a story, but in all the commotion, the book falls into the bath and is ruined! Bing is very upset that he won’t get his bedtime story, but Flop proves to him that we keep the best stories in our heads!

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7 minutes


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Flop Iain Mackinnon
Writer Ishbel Maclean
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed

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