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Slighe sgoile Colombia /Ways to school in Colombia

In northern Colombia, children face a rough, unpredictable wilderness to reach school. Some of them must cross a ramshackle bridge that could collapse at any moment.

In the northern Colombia region of Bajo Cauca, more than 180 miles north of Medellín, the landscape is marked by water and seemingly endless expanses. Every day, the children who live there, face this rough, unpredictable wilderness – with just one goal in mind: making it to school. For this, they subject themselves to a daily dose of danger. Some of them must cross a ramshackle bridge that could collapse at any moment. One false step and they could drown or break their legs.

Facing the most extreme conditions, the children in this series must march, climb or swim their way to school. And yet, they have only one goal in sight, education and a better life. These children have the most spectacular and most dangerous way to school in the world.

Ann an Colombia, 180 mìle gu tuath air Medellin, tha sgìre Bajo Cauca, dùthaich a tha air a sònrachadh le uisge agus monaidhean sgaoilteach. A h-uile là tha clann na sgìre a’ coiseachd anns an àrainneachd gharbh seo airson an sgoil a ruighinn. Tha cunnart ann gach là; a’ dol tarsaing air drochaid bhriste a dh’ fhaodadh tuiteam uair sam bith. Aon chas cheàrr agus dh’ fhaodadh iad a bhith air am bàthadh no air an droch ghoirteachadh le cnàmhan briste.

Feumaidh a' chlann san t-sreath seo coiseachd, sreap no snàmh ann an suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe chun na sgoile. Chan eil aca ach aon amas: foghlam a nì leasachadh air am beatha. 'S ann aig a' chloinn seo a tha na slighean sgoile as cunnartaiche air thalamh – agus cuid dhen fheadhainn as bòidhche cuideachd.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

48 minutes
