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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 12

Young South Uist singer Ruairidh Gray performs To God be the Glory, while Iain Alasdair MacSween from Harris explains the role of faith in his life.

Tha Iain MacFhionghain a’ toirt thugaibh laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachd pearsanta. Bidh Ruairidh Gray à Uibhist a Deas a’ seinn Do Dhia Biodh a’ Ghlòir agus Iain Alasdair MacSuain às na Hearadh ag innse mun phàirt a th’ aig creideamh anns a’ bheatha làitheil. Bidh Donna Barden a toirt seachad smuain na seachdain mu dheidhinn teaghlaichean agus seinnidh Còisir Ghàidhlig Ìleach Ghlaschu Salm 108. Cluinnear Mairead NicIllinnein a’ leughadh bhon leabhar Gliocas Bho’n Bhìoball Le Dòmhnall Saunders agus bidh Iain a’ leughadh bho Leabhraichean an Tiomnaidh Nuaidh.

Iain Mackinnon presents hymns, psalms and a personal faith story. Young South Uist singer Ruairidh Gray performs To God be the Glory while Iain Alasdair MacSween from Harris explains the role of faith in his life. Donna Barden from Lewis suggests some spiritual thoughts on the subject of families while the Glasgow Islay Choir sing Psalm 108. Also Mairead MacLennan narrates some verses from the book Gliocas bho’n Bhìoball by Donald Saunders and Iain reads from the Gospels of the New Testament.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

4 days left to watch

28 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Iain MacKinnon
Producer Donald Macleod
Production Manager Vanessa Taylor
Producer Rebecca MacLennan
