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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 2

The makers, pilots and passengers tell the story of the Anglo-French Concorde, still the most advanced airliner ever to take to the skies.

Concorde was and still is the most advanced airliner ever to take to the skies. Faster than a speeding bullet, she flew a mile every 2.3 seconds.

In this two-part documentary, the makers, pilots and passengers tell the incredible story of how the Anglo-French Concorde saw off competition from the Americans and Soviets to design and build the world’s only supersonic airliner.

Concorde became synonymous with the rich and famous, before a horrific incident ended its service. We explore the real reasons for the Paris crash and how this was used to end Concorde’s career much too soon.

’S e Concorde am plèana as adhartaiche a chaidh suas dhan adhar a-riamh. Nas luaithe na peilear aig astar, bha i a’ dèanamh aon mìle gach 2.3 diog.

Anns an dà phrògram seo, tha an luchd-cruthachaidh, na paidhleatan agus an luchd-siubhail ag innse sgeulachd inntinneach mu mar a shoirbhich le Concorde, a bha ceangailte ris an Fhraing agus ri Breatainn, an aghaidh nan Ameireaganach agus nan Ruiseanach, airson dealbhachadh agus cruthachadh an aon phlèana san t-saoghal a bha a dol aig astar fuaim.

’S ann ri na daoine beartach agus ainmeil a bha Concorde co-cheangailte ach an dèidh tubaist uabhasach thàinig làithean mòra a’ phlèana gu ceann. Tha am prògram seo a’ rannsachadh an tubaist adhair ann am Paris agus mar a chur e as dha Concorde nas luaithe na bu chòir.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

46 minutes

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