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Episode 1

Following brothers Allan and Ewen Maclean who opened a bakery in Benbecula over 30 years ago.

Tha còrr agus deich thar fhichead bliadhna bho chuir bràithrean Ailean agus Eòghainn MacIlleathain taigh-fuine air bhonn ann am Beinn na Faoghla. Thairis air na bliadhnaichean tha iad air biadh a dheasachadh airson iomadach tachartas air feadh Uibhist, beag agus mòr. Gach là, tha a h-uile seòrsa cèic, bonnach, briosgaid agus aran air an sgaoileadh air feadh nan Eilean Siar, ach cuideachd air feadh Alba.

Tha taigh-bìdh trang am measg nan seirbheisean a tha iad a’ tabhainn agus tha bhan bìdh aca cuideachd a bhios a’ toirt biadh teth gu tachartasan air feadh nan Eilean Siar, ach ciamar a tha an sgioba teaghlaich a’ cumail smachd air na tha sin aig an aon àm?

Ann am prògram a h-aon den t-sreath de shia phrògraman, tha sinn a’ faighinn eòlas air sgioba èasgaidh an taigh-fuine a tha trang a’ deasachadh biadh airson oidhche mhòr aig Talla Chàirinis, le còrr agus ceud gu leth duine a’ tighinn a-mach airson dìnnear, ach chan eil seo a’ cur càil air sgioba MhicIlleathain!

Brothers Allan and Ewen Maclean opened a bakery in Benbecula over 30 years ago. Throughout the decades they have prepared food for many large and small scale events in Uist. Each day, they send every type of cake, oatcake, biscuit and bread all over the Western Isles, and also to every corner of Scotland.

Among the services they provide is a busy restaurant as well as a trailer which delivers hot food to events all over the islands, but how do the family team manage to juggle everything?

In this episode, we get to know the industrious team at the bakery who are busy preparing food for a large function in Carinish Hall. This is a big night for the local community with more than 150 people attending, but nothing that the Macleans can’t handle!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

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