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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 10

Margaret MacLeod and Robbie MacLeod discuss books of special interest to them.

Anns an darna prògram san 6mh sreath de Leugh Mi le Anna Nicleòid, bidh Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. An t-seachdain-sa, ‘s iad Mairead NicLeòid agus Robbie MacLeòid a bhios a’ taghadh nan leabhraichean agus tha an dithis aca air leabhraichean a thaghadh a tha a’ togail cheistean.

Bidh Mairead NicLeòid, seinneadair leis a’ chòmhlan ainmeil Na h-Òganaich, a’ bruidhinn air da leabhar – Around the World in 80 Days le Michael Pallin, agus Còig Duilleagan na Seamraig le Ruairidh MacIllEathain.

Bidh an sgrìobhadair Robbie MacLeòid a’ bruidhinn air da leabhar gu math eadar dhealaichte – Early Myths and Sagas (eadar-theangachadh le Jeffrey Gantz) – agus Decolonising the Mind; The Politics of Language in an African Literature le Ngugi wa Thiong’o.
Aig deireadh a’ phrogram, bidh an dithis aca a’ dèanamh taghadh air an leabhar a b’fheàrr leotha a-mach às na ceithir leabhraichean.

Anna Macleod chats with two new guests about their favourite books. This week Margaret MacLeod and Robbie MacLeod discuss books of special interest to them.

Margaret, who is well-known as a member of the popular Gaelic folk group Na h-Ã’ganaich, talks about two special books for her - Around the World in 80 days by Michael Palin, and Coig Duilleagan na Seamraig by Ruairidh MacLean.

Robbie, a writer of books and poetry, chooses two very distinct books - Early Myths and Sagas by Anonymous (translated by Jeffrey Gantz) and Decolonising the Mind; The Politics of Language in an African Literature le Ngugi wa Thiong’o.

At the end of the programme, each guest will choose, out of the four books, which one they would like to take home with them.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes