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Scottish Junior Cup 2015 - 2019

Episode 8 of 21

Calum MacAulay and Derek Mackay look back at the last five Scottish Junior Cup finals.

Anns a' phr貌gram seo tha Calum MacAmhlaidh agus Derek MacAoidh a' toirt s霉il air ais air an coig chuairt dheireannach Cupa Juniors na h-Alba a chaidh seachad. Tha seo aon de na geamaichean as motha anns co-fharpais na Juniors, le an sgioba a tha buannachadh a s脿s ann Cupa na h-Alba an ath-bhliadhna. Ch矛 sibh a h-uile caill, bho breaban-peanais gu tadhail a tha air dol a-steach san mionaidean mu dheireadh air beulaibh m矛ltean de luchd-taice, uile ann aon uair l脿n sp貌rs.

In this episode of Sp貌rs, Calum MacAulay and Derek Mackay look back at the last five Scottish Junior Cup finals. This fixture is one of the biggest games on the Junior football calendar, with the winners afforded entry to the Scottish Cup the following year. Over an action packed hour there's everything from penalty shootouts to last minute winners, all in front of thousands of supporters.

59 minutes
