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A’ taisbeanadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar ‘Eileanan Cho-fhlaitheis na Bànrighe’. Documentary series exploring the unique diversity of the Commonwealth ‘Islands of the Queen’.

Seallaidhean-tìre sgorrach gu tuath, agus creagan cailc gu deas - tha an t-sreath seo a’ siubhal nas fhaide na costa Bhreatainn, agus a’ rannsachadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar ‘Eileanan Cho-fhlaitheis na Bànrighe’. Bho na bothain cloiche air na mòintichean gu cladaichean bòidheach a’ Charaibeach, tha an t-sreath a’ foillseachadh nan eileanan nan eadar-dhealachaidhean agus nan glòir.

Tha beathaichean annasach agus dòigh-beatha àbhaisteach nan daoine ionadail a’ toirt dhuinn dealbh air na h-eileanan àlainn seo. Tha sinn a’ sgèith thar bheanntan, chamasan iomallach, agus a’ coimhead air tuineachaidhean eun leis a’ mhuir a tuath mun cuairt orra. Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fìon san Eilean Mhanainn, a’ seinn ann an Gàidhlig Mhanannaich; agus tha sinn cuideachd a’ dol leathach slighe timcheall an t-saoghail ann am briogais Bhermiùda – turas a tha a’ comharrachadh nan eileanan àlainn seo agus muinntir nan eilean a tha a’ fuireach agus ag obair ann an eileanan brèagha a’ cho-fhlaitheis.

Rugged landscapes in the north and chalk cliffs in south – this series travels beyond the British coastline and explores the unique diversity of the Commonwealth ‘Islands of the Queen’. From weathered stone huts in the in upland moors to golden Caribbean beaches, the series shows the isles in all their contrast and glory.

Rare animals and the every day lives of extraordinary locals paint a picture of these beautiful islands – we fly over mountain peaks, isolated coves and observe large bird colonies that are surrounded by the wild northern seas. Whether it’s making wine in the Isle of Man, singing in Manx Gaelic on the Isle of Man or teatime halfway around the world in Bermuda shorts - a journey that celebrates these beautiful islands and the islanders who live and work in some of the beautiful islands of the Commonwealth.

52 minutes

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