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Episode 8

Lannsaireachd air sùil liopard sneachda; X-ray air ailigeutair, agus laogh le cas briste. Surgery on a snow leopard’s eye, an alligator gets x-rayed and a calf with a broken leg.

Anns an t-sreath seo coinnichidh sinn ri lighichean-sprèidh bho air feadh Alba is iad ri frithealadh iomadach seòrsa beathach beag is mòr, peatail agus fiadhaich. Bidh sgeulachdan toileachais agus bròin pailt agus sinn a’ coinneachadh ris gach creutair beò.

An t-seachdain-sa, aig practas bheat faisg air Pàirce Fiadh-bheatha na Gàidhealtachd, tha piseag liopard sneachda a-staigh airson lannsaireachd air a sùil. Tha na frasgan a' suathadh ri clach na sula, ga mhilleadh. Feumaidh Tony Wall sgealbag a ghearradh às agus an dà cheann slàn fhuaigheal ri chèile.

Aig Sù nan Còig Peathraichean tha Romain Pizzi a' tadhal le X-ray làimhe. Tha trì euslaintich aige an-diugh: luch-lemur, wallaby agus ailigeutair.
Agus, ann an Uibhist a Deas, tha David Buckland air gairm gu laogh òg le cas briste. Le teip fibreglass air a bhogadh ann am bùrn blàth tha e comasach taic a chumail ri cas an laoigh.

This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as we meet all creatures great and small.

A snow leopard cub has surgery on her eye at a vets practice near Highland Wildlife Park. Her eyelid hasn't formed properly, causing hairs to rub against the eye, which damages it. Tony Wall needs to remove a wedge of the badly formed eyelid, and stitch the two healthy ends together.

At Five Sisters Zoo, Romain Pizzi is visiting with a portable x-ray machine. He has three patients to see: a tiny mouse lemur, a wallaby and an alligator who proves hard to handle.

And in South Uist, David Buckland has been called out to see a day-old calf with a broken leg. Using fiberglass soaked in warm water he is able to create a support for the calf’s leg.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

13 days left to watch

30 minutes

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Role Contributor
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Series Producer Patricia Macleod
Director Scott Brown
Editor Jonny Craigmile
